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John Camden


Height:          5' 11"

Build:            swimmers build

Weight:         165

Hair:             light brown

Eyes:            green



Curt                         Southern Discourse(supporting)         Media Productions

Photographer            The Last Mafia Marriage                   CBS/Lauren Productions (Dir. John Patterson)

Pedestrian                Road to Wellville                              Beacon/Columbia Pictures Production (Dir. Alan Parker)




Aloysius                    Sister Mary Ignacious                  New Bern Theatre Company

Orphan                      Oliver                                          New Bern Theatre Company

King                          Puss in Boots                             New Bern Theatre Company

Young Scrooge           Scrooge                                     New Bern Theatre Company        

John                          Lifegame                                     Barebones Theatre


Server                         Flame Broiler                            MultiMedia Inc.

Construction Worker    Carolina's Medical Center           Oasis Films.



Skills: Drawing, Photography, Writing, Weight Lifting, Yoga, Running, Tennis, Volleyball, Billiards, Computer Literate, Licensed Driver, Dialects: Northern, New York, Southern, Standard American.




For more information email me at Camden_john@yahoo.com